When you’ve been eating the same food for years, not only do you get sick of it, but your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs. You’re also more likely to gain weight, and that’s a problem for many people. When your diet consists of foods that aren’t good for you, or don’t supply your body with the nutrients it needs, it can take a toll on your overall health and make it harder to lose weight, or keep it off when you have achieved your goal.Cleaning out your pantry, fridge, and other storage areas is an easy way to get started on your new healthy eating habits. You can also choose to clean out your kitchen as a whole, removing any unhealthy foods that might be lurking there. Doing so can help you make healthier choices at the grocery store and even inspire you to swap out your go-to foods for healthier alternatives. There are many ways to clean out your kitchen and make it healthier for you and your family. Here are some tips for how you can safely and effectively clean out your kitchen so you can start eating better and losing weight sooner rather than later.
Plan your Clean Out
First things first - plan your clean out so you have the best chance of succeeding. This means making a list of everything you want to get rid of, and discarding those items as soon as possible. You can even mark items on your list once you’ve thrown them out to avoid eating them again. Planning your clean out will also help you stay focused and avoid distraction, which could lead to you tossing random kitchen items that aren’t a good fit. It can also make cleanup easier because you don’t have to hunt for every item in the house.Another benefit of planning your clean out is that you'll know how much your kitchen cleanup will cost. If you don’t know what you have and how much it costs to replace it, you may spend more than you need to. The same goes for cleaning supplies - knowing what you have and using them wisely will save you money and time.
Go through your cabinets
If you have cabinets that are full of food, it’s likely that they are full of unhealthy items to eat. You can use your cabinets to store healthy foods instead of unhealthy ones, and you can also make it easier to clean them out. Start by tossing anything that you don’t use regularly, like old spices or condiments. Move the items that you use most frequently to the front of the cabinet, and put less used items in the back so you always have easy access to what you need. It’s also a good idea to remove bulky items like pots and pans, which can make it harder to clean out your cabinets. If you have small shelves, you may want to consider removing any items that are taking up a lot of space.
Check your fridge and freezer
Your kitchen fridge and freezer are often the home of unhealthy foods, like cookies, ice cream, and other treats that are high in calories and little else. You can use your fridge and freezer to store healthier items, like fresh fruits and vegetables, to replace the unhealthy ones. You can also use the fridge and freezer to store perishable items like meat and dairy. If you have a smaller fridge and freezer, you may want to consider getting some shelving to make room for everything. Make sure you clean out your fridge and freezer at least once a month to avoid getting bugs or mold, and put anything that you don’t use regularly in the freezer.
Put all of the unwanted food in a bag or bucket
If you’re not ready to throw away food just yet, don’t panic! You can store it in a bag or bucket, and then pick it out at a later time. This is a great way to make room in your pantry for healthier items, or store items that you don’t have room for in your cabinets. If you’re not ready to part with the items just yet, you can donate them to a food pantry or shelter. This is a great way to give back to your community.
Donate and Recycle what’s left over
If you can’t get rid of the items in your cabinets, fridge, or freezer, or if you just don’t have the time or energy to deal with them, you can donate them to a food pantry or shelter. If you can’t donate them, you can always recycle them. Food pantries and shelters are in need of just about every type of cleaning product and food that you have at home, so you’re likely to find a home for what you have. If you’re not sure where to donate or recycle the items you don’t want, you can find a list of locations near you here.
There are many ways that you can clean out your kitchen and make it a healthier environment. You can go through your cabinets, fridge, and freezer, and put everything that you don’t use in a bag or bucket. You can also donate what’s left over so that it can be used by people in need. Once you’ve cleaned your kitchen, you can continue your journey towards a healthier lifestyle by making small changes to your diet. You can also make it a goal to eat healthier every day by planning your meals and eating at home instead of going out to eat.