When you think of getting fit and healthy, does working out the muscles in your arms and legs come to mind first? If so, that’s probably because most people associate burning fat with losing weight, not building it. That’s because most fat burning programs focus on low-impact exercises that don’t require any special equipment or space in which to work out. These workouts are great for beginners, as well as people with injuries or joint issues that make them unable to engage in high-impact exercises or workouts that require a lot of energy.But what if we told you there are fat burning workouts that don’t require you to jump, run or lift even a single pound? In fact, these fat burning workouts can help you reduce your waistline while challenging your entire body in new ways?Believe it or not, there are fat burning workouts that only require you to get on your knees and crawl around on the ground. In other words, fat burning workouts that will literally make your hands and knees (and other sensitive areas!) cringe. However, if you’re serious about losing weight and having more toned, healthy skin, we suggest giving these workouts a try…
If there is one fat burning exercise that everyone should be doing, it’s jumping jacks. This simple exercise can be done almost anywhere and will help you to raise your heart rate and burn a ton of calories in just 6 minutes. While you can do this exercise anywhere, we recommend doing it while listening to your favorite podcast or music as a way to motivate yourself. If you want to really challenge yourself and get a great fat burning workout, try adding a minute of burpees into the mix.Jumping jacks are a great way to warm up for a more intense workout, as well as a great way to get your heart rate up and challenge your entire body.
Burpees are a great way to challenge your entire body and get your heart rate up. If you’re looking to challenge your muscles as well, try combining burpees with push-ups. When you begin to see how challenging this exercise can be, it might be time to invest in a pair of cross trainers or basketball shoes to make this exercise even more challenging.Since burpees are a high-impact exercise, they’re best suited for people with fairly good fitness levels. If you’re just getting started with your fat burning workouts, we suggest starting with a jumping jack warm-up and then moving on to the burpee section of this exercise.
Crawling and lunges are the perfect fat burning exercises for anyone who wants to challenge their muscles but doesn’t want to jump around or run laps. These exercises are great for people who have joint issues or injuries that make it difficult to engage in high-impact exercises such as running, jumping rope or lifting weights.By focusing on crawling and lunging, you can challenge your muscles, while also burning fat and getting your heart rate up. While crawling and lunging is a great way to challenge your muscles, keep in mind that you don’t want to go too deep into the crawling position. While the position is challenging, it puts a lot of pressure on your lower back, which is why we recommend doing these exercises in a shallow position.
If you’re looking to challenge your entire body while burning fat, try cycling. While you can certainly ride a bike outside to achieve this goal, using a stationary bike is a great way to challenge yourself indoors while also achieving a ton of different benefits.Cycling is a great way to reduce your risk of heart disease, improve your cardiovascular health and challenge your muscles at the same time. If you’re looking to challenge your muscles as well, try cycling with intervals. By cycling at a high intensity, you can challenge your muscles, while also burning a lot of fat at the same time.
If you’re looking to add a bit of adventure to your fat burning workouts, try sliding or scooting. These exercises are a combination of sliding and scooting, and are excellent ways to challenge your entire body. If you’re looking to challenge your muscles as well, try sliding or scooting up hills.When you slide or scoot, your body is forced to work against gravity, which is why these exercises are great for people with joint issues or injuries who want to challenge their muscles.
As you can see, there are a ton of fat burning workouts that don’t require you to jump or run. Keep in mind that all of these workouts will help you to burn a ton of fat and improve your overall health. However, they’re not for the faint of heart.These challenging workouts will make you sweat, while also challenging your entire body and getting your heart rate up. If you’re ready for a challenge, try adding some of these fat burning workouts to your routine.